Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2024 — Super Bowl Sunday

The wires are drooping at our next door neighbors’ house because of current construction.

While most of our friends and neighbors were busy watching a pointed ball of pig skin getting tossed thru the air, we watched other things. The beautiful sunset was one of them. Our weather here on California’s Central Coast was clear and not as chilly as yesterday.

We attended church this morning at Morro Bay Pres. Pastor Luke’s message was very meaningful. He made a statement that I’ve often thought, something about speakers making examples or illustrations that stand taller than the message they were meant to illustrate. Then the people go home remembering the illustration, but not able to connect it to the message. So he explained that he is careful not to make flamboyant illustrations. I appreciate that. He has a quality speaking voice that is engaging to listen to. The music today, the songs, were wonderful. I think a rotation of four people or teams present the music through each month and today was exceptionally good. One song we sang this morning has the chorus “Remember your people.” Throughout the years we’ve sung it many times; today I found myself singing it all afternoon.

When we got back to the house, homemade tuna salad sandwiches were on our menu for lunch. While I diced celery, Mr. Fun diced onion and quickly we were enjoying some delicious lunch.

This has been a lovely Sunday. I’m thankful for God’s provision and blessings.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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