Ink drawing

Wildlife nighttime camera
Midnight rules
Cat Midnight snarls and frightens the Badger
46 secs

I woke up in the night, so decided to do my secret doorway. Woke up this morning and couldn't find it, then found it under my pillow.

So, black pen and a waterbrush on a post card and a wee bit of white pen added just now...

All doors and windows open.
Clear blue skies.
Sun is touching the tops of my trees.
Cat Chunky Marmalade is availing himself of the cat food I have just put out.
Male Blackbird is scolding him from a high vantage point.
All is well with the world.
Except Midnight.
Because I turned him upside down trying to rummage through my bedcovers for my secret doorway drawing.
He is sulking because he was warm and comfy before I moved the bedcovers.
I did try to move him gently, but he had refused to move.
Oh dear, Chunky Marmalade has just come in my bedroom to avail himself of Midnight's breakfast (I did say all doors & windows were open for fresh air...).
Midnight has objected, and Chunky has just fled with Midnight hard on his tail.
All is not well with the the world...

Don't let little things upset you.
Have your best day.

Oh what a beautiful morning.
Time for a cuppa...

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