
By PorridgeWog

Thawed (Day 3198)

Off to Tesco for the weekly shop this morning and it was good to feel a change in the temperature as soon as I stepped out of the house.
Back home to sort out the shopping and then off to Mum and Dad to drop off Sigyn before getting along to the horses. The lack of wind was all the encouragement my beautiful wife needed to set about stuffing hay nets - a horrible job when it is windy. We took rugs off George, Red and Robin and left them to enjoy the break in the weather.
Back to Mum and Dad's for lunch, then I took Sigyn out for the same wander as yesterday. A massive change in conditions in 24 hours. I was too warm most of the time and the snow has all but disappeared. Sigyn was a bit disappointed.
Back at Mum and Dad's, HV took Mum away to get a ride out and I helped Dad watch the rugby.

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