
By KateH


Memorial in East Meon for a remarkable man who died quite suddenly just after Christmas.  It was very wet and the church was packed and as we shuffled in I took this picture of the umbrellas all lined up.   @xtoph1 and Sarah were down for it and I squished into their pew.  Fascinating memorial service, we all found out things we didn’t know about him.  

Mind you I nearly missed it. I got up feeling i had all the time in the world and got myself a coffee in my flask at Pret in Waterloo but an irritating German man insisted on telling me why there were no bins at the station ‘so the IRA don’t plant any bombs’  apparently.   I was so annoyed by this I got away from him as fast as I could and forgot my coffee flask. Then on the train I was absorbed in an email and looked up find we were sitting at Petersfield so had to leap off onto a windy wet platform.  I was worried the train would move off and so threw my suitcase out of the door whilst I gathered my stuff up.  

After the service we had champagne and sandwiches in the Court House and then I bought food for the evening and in a joint op with S-in-Law Sue cooked supper for 8.  Venison stew, again, and a lovely apple and walnut crumble pie from Sue.  V & P also joined us.  Very enjoyable evening.  

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