Some light

We had some dull and grey days lately, but today there’s a bit of light in the sky. This morning my mum and I visited my dad and we made his room in the nursing home a bit more like home by putting some photos on the wall and on his nightstand.

The two photos I hung up, were the ones I framed and my dad used to have as his desktop background on both his desktop and laptop computers. Even though his dementia is making things more and more difficult for him, I do hope he recognizes the images and can find some peace and quiet in them.

In the afternoon, I visited Zwaan and Reender together with Inge and Ellis. It’s Zwaan’s birthday today. Happy birthday!

At night, I went to the Oosterpoort in Groningen, together with Ellis and her friend Mylou. We watched the NNO (Northern Netherlands Orchestra) play computer game music. It was a brilliant concert and the wonderful Julie Elven was there as well to sing. She has a great voice and it’s no wonder composers of game music are queuing up for her services.

Here on YouTube you can find an example of Julie’s singing in the game music for Horizon Zero Dawn.

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