Bits and bobs

A day that included a dry morning woofer walk, an after lunch and Amazon delivery walk to Asda for a few items with a wet walk home in the rain that stayed for the rest of the day and evening.  A fairly intense afternoon of Rugby (didn't like the controversy that ended the Scotland v France game, but England v Wales was a good match to watch), bro calling for a cuppa after work, and just as he left, my niece, Maddy, came and stayed for a couple of hours before driving back to Colchester and her university digs.

Started this new free embroidery this evening. Recent boredom had me checking out my craft room collection of bits and bobs for a new project. I haven't done anything like this for a good many years, and although it was slow going and only a small area covered while watching West Wing series 5, I found both to be sufficiently absorbing that I lost all track of time and it was 2.30 before I went to bed.

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