Blip for Sewists

Another day of tootling to and fro to the hospital ... and the excitement of a Saturday morning trip to Sainsbury's!

My blip is Gill's 365 (366?) sewing project - as far as she was before returning to hospital.

Our neighbour came with me and Rachel arrived with her family later.
Having Alex to talk to and seeing Ariadne and James (grand children) cheered Gill up and the nurse practitioner went through the 24hr ECG results with Rachel.  Heart rate much more stable but still too fast, though it did drop into the normal range overnight Friday - Saturday

One of the other patients is Portuguese so there is some translating via apps and synthesised speech going on.

Still quite a lot of standing water about, the Fosse way was closed at Princethorpe so a detour to get home.

Thanks for your continued visits and good wishes!

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