
No BP as M was coming for a coffee.  Originally we were planning a dog walk but as it has been raining non stop, she (correctly) thought I would not want a wet dog in the kitchen!  We chatted and she is a good friend going through a bit of a tough time at the moment.  She talked about not being 'needed' any more which made me sad.  Children grow (hers are 33 and 31) and live independent lives and I suppose as parents we feel more and more on the periphery of their lives?  I did a walk after she had gone and spoke to No.1 who was also walking.  I spotted these lovely snowdrops and snapped a quick picture.

OH was playing golf and went to see MIL this afternoon, I'm feeling guilty that I have not been for a while and must make the effort.  I did some more sewing and finished the stars for the new babies!

No.1 travelled up to Sheffield to see JC's sister and the new baby - not sure about the name though?  Connor?  With apologies to anyone called Connor who may be reading this?

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