Lovely view from the kitchen sink! This external wall is now an internal wall due to the side extension so it needed to be bricked up today. I feel like a mole living in darkness! 

Feeling tired after long trip yesterday to see mum. They moved her onto another ward and the visiting hours have changed. I didn't realise so I got there 30 mins after visiting times were over. I begged my way in explaining I'd just driven two hours to get there. They said I could go in buy only for 20 mins. I did ring this morning to check the times were the same but couldn't get through (wouldn't it be easier if they put the times on the website instead of telling people to phone?!) So then I had to wait 2 hours till evening visiting and was really late home. 

My brother has been today and they've moved her back to them original ward.

My sister is not speaking to me at the moment because I won't agree with her to just put mum straight in a home after discharge without looking at all the options. I feel we owe it to mum to make sure a home is a last resort and that we need to take advice from the hospital. I think as adults we can disagree on something without falling out. But having the same point of view presented to me over and over again starting at 6.30 am and going on most of the day isn't going to change my mind and was wearing my patience! 

I've had a busy day at work. Didn't feel like it, but needed to get Bud some exercise. Eva decided she wanted to ride too but Jack was having none of it. I tried to help from the ground but he bucked right in my face so we just had to back down. I really can't work him out. His behaviour is so inconsistent. Eva got upset. It's not been a good day :0(

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