A Great Day

Everyone slept in this morning. We did not have a care in the world. Much of the day was spent unpacking treasures. My sister and BIL brought many of their Christmas gifts up to the farm. There was evidence of quite a herd of deer frequenting the property. There was a young doe grazing out back when I looked out the bedroom window. My BIL filled the bird feeders and we had a good assortment entertain us all day. We started putting away Christmas decorations. Tomorrow we will take down the tree before the Super Bowl. We went to Mass at 4:00 in town. These two stained glass windows are above the side door of the church. We enjoyed a tasty dinner at a quaint country restaurant. Our next stop will be the local theater to enjoy some fun music. Wishing you day as nice as ours. Stay safe. Thanks so much for stopping by. “Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate.”
- Amit Ray

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