Growing Toward the Light

I've always been aware that tulip stems continue to grow, even after they are cut. These are determinedly growing toward the light through the front door. Moments after I took this picture, I walked by and there were a lot of pink petals on the floor and only one left on the stem. It seems that when one is waiting for something with some trepidation time moves along at a snail's pace. 

When we took refuge in Trail House on Tuesday morning we were greeted by Crystal, our favorite barista of yore. She left when the bicycle part of the business was purchased by Specialized and the fate of the cafe was uncertain. Now it seems that she and a group of others have purchased the cafe and she is back permanently. When she walked in this morning our regular Friday morning group applauded! We told her that the place already feels more lively!

Back home I did some laundry, made some banana bread and tried not to obsess about the fact that I called the orthopedist's medical assistant, left a message with a question and she never called my back. Clearly I have now been handed off to the surgery center staff. Medical care has now gotten so complicated, and one is faced by so many layers of care, that it is difficult to know who to call with a simple question affecting whether the surgery can go ahead. 

Our neighbors are coming soon for a  farewall drink of sorts as they are leaving Sunday night for a trip to South Africa where her son is getting married. This wedding has been in the works for so long that it's hard to believe that they are finally on their way.

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