Lighting up time

Better weather today but still a bit damp but thankfully the snow has gone from here as quick as it came. Upon arriving at work this morning there was a little gift on my desk and a lot of leg pulling from the team at work after last nights drama with the washing machine . They had kindly put a new isolation valve for me to use , it goes to show that some of them do read my blip .

After work a few of us went to a local pub for a quick drink after work as Alex from the yard was leaving us and moving on to a new job with a  tool hire company as they offered him more money and no working weekends or bank holidays .
I spotted these interesting light fittings  with the wire going over an old type of pully. 
Back home after  a relaxing pint , It was a case of sorting the washing machine out thankfully its all sorted and disconnected and the old machine is now outside awaiting collection by a local scrap man . I took a load of washing to my Mums  to get my work uniform washed . Finally settling down to relax just after 9.00 

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