Still Rockin'

By RockArea

Through the Round Window ...

... is the Bay of Biscay. It looks nice and flat this morning bit it was a bit lumpy last night. It was tricky to walk from where we were sitting to the other end of the boat to get to the restaurant. We, like most others, used the ricochet method. Once in the restaurant there was a choice of a served meal or a buffet. We chose to be served because the waiters were more steady than us it it was more likely our food would get to our table.

We had a very good meal and then watched the sun go down with a glass of rum (that's us with the glass of rum, not the sun).

We slept well and this morning was much calmer. After we'd got up and had breakfast it seemed no time at all until we were approaching Santander. Viva Espana!


I thought I'd posted this from aboard the ship yesterday but it didn't seem to get here. It's probably still floating about lost in cyberspace.

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