
An old style Friday photo. Same content, different location.

After quite a (few) tense conversation(s) yesterday, the roofers arrived at 0830 this morning and did a solid eight hours putting the tiles back on. I've 'persuaded' them they need to work the whole weekend as well, although we'll see if that actually happens. l'm hoping the leaks will be resolved once the tiling is finished or they'll have to come back and sort it out. Most of the damage is in one room, luckily I have enough cracks in the ceiling in the other room that the water found its own way out.

Separately I had someone (Dave the Door) come and fix the front door, that one of the builders had  found necessary to slam so hard he moved the hinges.

All that plus the day job meant I needed the gentle hubub (and a large Shiraz) of the pub this evening.

No. 1 Not Child is away until Sunday so we have the whole weekend to ourselves, to spread over both sofas and feast on cream and pasta (she's dairy intolerant and doesn't eat pasta, very rude in this house). The cats will be happy too as they can sleep in their favourite places on all the human beds.

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