Dhan uisge

Snow fell over night but had started to fall by the time I headed down to the water to swim.  The initial cold shock was, well, cold and a shock but once that passed it was really invigorating (truly). Really enjoyed it.

Swim was followed by coffee and chat, also great fun. 

After lunch we headed over to the theatre -  Winter Words,  their annual book festival started today.  We listened to David Greig in conversation with Elizabeth Newman  and May Sumbwanyambe & Dr Peggy Brunache. Two really interesting talks with lots to think about.  We are back again tomorrow and on Sunday.  

I also had an online meeting with my Gaelic tutorial group - we are going to arrange weekly conversations in pairs which will be good. 

Great excitement on local social media with the announcement of a  big music festival in the town.  Reader, we bought tickets (at a discount through itison :-) ) 

My Evri parcel also arrived - so all in all a good day. 

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