Dirty old river, must you keep rolling..........

....do you remember that song called Waterloo Sunset, by the Kinks? We went to town this morning, to collect J's prescription, well he sat in the car, while I walked over the bridge into town. Next stop, the library as I only have the book I'm reading, which is no good at all. I saw Andrea, and she said I'm traumatized. Oh course I said, why? She replied, I just asked a young boy, how old do you think I am, and he said 63  and when she told him her actual age (forties) he said, why do you look so old then?  I did laugh when she told me, although it probably didn't do much for her confidence, and then she said to me, but it's made your day though, hasn't it? It's a good job she has a good sense of humour. She did help me choose three more books, as she reads the same genre as I do, so they should keep me going for a while.

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