
I had the appointment at Ninewells at 12 but we left the house at 10:30 to make sure we got parked. It only takes 20 mins to the hospital and actually we only waited at the multi for 15 minutes! Great.

We went to the waiting area for 20 mins then to the outpatients and was taken 10 mins before my appointment time. I met the doc, she did an examination and said that she wouldn’t do the procedure this time , had a discussion , gave me a prescription and to come back to see her in 6-8 weeks. I was very relieved that I didn’t have to have the procedure! I felt high!

Ben was coming for tea so I went to the butcher and got a steak pie for him which he snapped up with tatties and peas.

I’ve binged three episodes of Dragons Den which I love. Mum and I used to discuss it who we liked etc. I miss that.

Snow is falling it was Baltic today!

Oh and I also booked an Escape Room for next Wednesday in Edinburgh. Schools are off and Ben and I didn’t manage to get another holiday in. The prices are mental due to it being valentines! So we are having an at home trip.

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