A ray of sunshine...

...on a very difficult day, and a dismal day. Torrential rain to start and end the day, the rivers in flood again.

The usual struggle to get Dad up early for Music for the Mind but we made it and by 10am we were ready and waiting for the minibus. At 10.15am I phoned and left an answer machine message reminding them we were on the pickup list. 10.40am received a call apologising for not letting me know that the driver was off sick and they weren’t able to pick us up! Grrrr...

Having been told yesterday by one of Dad’s GPs that they wanted him brought to the surgery today, even though he’s classed as housebound, I enlisted the help of the amazing N and we managed to get him to the surgery this afternoon. We waited and waited and eventually went into the appointment exactly one hour late. The GP kept saying we didn’t have time to discuss all the things that needed to be discussed and we left after only ten minutes having achieved absolutely nothing. Complete waste of our time and energy. Grrrr...

Then this evening, just as I was finishing typing this, I received a phone call telling me that my Godmother had passed away two weeks ago. Her niece had only just found my contact details today. The only blessing is that she’d passed away in her sleep, she was found in her flat in her favourite chair with her feet up. Aunty K and Mum met when they went to primary school together and had been best friends all their life. Such sad news...

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