
When I opened the curtains this morning I saw that it was sleeting heavily. Later on this turned into snow. I didn't want to go out in that so I did an indoor walking workout on YouTube to rack up a few steps.

 After breakfast I realised I would need to go out after all. I still needed to get Theodore, my youngest Grandson's birthday present. I'm working tomorrow and waiting in for the washing machine to be delivered on Saturday so it was now or never!

By the time I got home I was freezing cold and drenched. It had been full on snow most of the time I was out and it was even settling in places. It turned back to sleety rain on the way home.

I had the heating on for a little while once home, to thaw out and dry my coat, trousers and gloves.

This evening Brian and I went to the Cathedral to see Luke Jerram's Gaia installation in the Cathedral. It looks much better in this large space than when I previously saw it in The Collection.

It is quite spectacular in the setting of the Cathedral. It is incredible to just see it as a planet, part of the solar system - a very tiny part as it goes. And yet it is our one and only home.

It cannot be right that we have covered much of its surface in tarmac and concrete, plundered its resources, destroyed habitats such as forests and put toxins into oceans, intensively farmed and poisoned it with pesticides and chemicals and polluted its atmosphere. So many things that are named progress by us are destruction to this planet, and it is not "ours" to destroy. Honestly, we are a plague on the Earth!

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