The Last Tree

If you haven’t ‘gone’
by now, we’re turning around.
Leo knows the score.

I’ve bonded with this tree, it’s about 15 houses down from the corner of our road. So in the morning or last thing at night when I’m taking Leo for a quick trot out (just to do his business!) we only walk up to this tree. He knows it, I know it and I like to think the tree knows it and says, “hello”. There’s also a fox I imagine communing with the tree, because there’s a bit of a hole half dug near the base of the trunk. I think the tree is one of the area’s Wild, Wise, Old ones.. listening to foxes; dogs; even humans…
Yes it was a last minute blip.. but a tree blew over a few houses down from this one yesterday which I always think is so sad and I thought it was a good thing to recognise our arborial friends <3
Other stuff?? I have had no news from school, so I figure it can’t have been a bad day! Yay! I had my parenting course (which I’m still on the fence about), I walked Leo in the absolutely perishing cold and I did ALL the ironing :-)
That’s all you’re getting for today!

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