
It's Weiberfastnacht today, the women's day of the carnival days.  We cut off any tie we can find.
Here's my colleagues trophy (of our building manager's tie; he was nice enough to wear one today while most men don't on Weiberfastnacht).

A short clip was filmed, too (too funny).
I wasn't part of this, had no chance. 

The Narrenmütze (hat in the large photo) was sitting on top of the coffeemaker all day with the cut-off tie around it. The cut-offs are hanging on my colleagues office door (small photo).

I am not celebrating,  only want to go home. 23 phone calls in less than three hours this afternoon.  Why aren't people out celebrating? No, seems like everybody prefers calling me instead.


17:10 and on the way home; 11°C

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