Sunset …..

….. ….. ….. over Lake Wakatipu, with Mt Nicholas in the distance.

My nephew & his wife, from Upper Hutt, drove up from Dunedin today and I had an off-the-cuff cup of coffee with them in their B&B this evening - hence the photo.
A. lived with my husband & me for a couple of years when he first arrived in Queenstown, many moons ago.
We’ve got a few things planned to do for the next couple of days, while they’re here. I remember climbing Ben Lomond with A, during that time, and finding the last couple of hundred metres descent very difficult. I was so unfit! I could hardly sit down for the next couple of days.

I had a meeting with the manager of the Village today, together with two other residents. The three of us have been asked to present a residents’ Art Exhibition at a Garden Party that’s been planned for early March. We looked at the space provided and what we’ll need to provide in the way of props and easels. It’s wonderful to have been approached to do it, and a tad scarey at the save time!

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