Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Wide Open

I was thinking about the WW challenge of wide open this week and thought a shot of the valley would be the best I could probably find.  We are surrounded by lots of mountains and tall trees on this side and Puget Sound on the other side with views of the  Islands .     I was excited to see a train on the other side of the river here!   This is the first time I've been here and seen the train in this spot.   It started out foggy down here in the valley this morning and after I got out of the gym is was bright blue skies and reasonable temps.  I didn't even need to wear my hoody!!    The clouds have come in late afternoon so I am sitting here drinking my new tea....  Carmel Chocolate delight,  a blend of black, green and white tea.  superb!!   A pork roast cooking in the Hot Pot for dinner, so I am enjoying some blip time!
   Thanks to AndrewNZ for hosting WW this month!!   thanks so all who have stopped by to ck out my page and will try and get to journals tonight.   Thanks for the comments and any hearts and stars too!!
   thanks to Skeena for hosting the MMC this month!!
       colored version of my blip in extras. 

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