Old School; Old Students

...and an old teacher! But new technology. 

Forgot to photograph the students, so you get the typical Mouranense chimney on the building where I'm teaching English in the Universidade Sénior - first class today. It used to be the school, but now houses various government departments. The windows lower right are my classroom, which contains an interactive whiteboard, which I tried to use, but only managed to write with the stylus over the logo that was there. So this "senior" teacher needs some lessons. The director was meant to be there, but her son is ill, so it was in at the deep end.

Wide variety of ability and confidence in the fifteen students. No syllabus. Anyone know a good site? They all basically just want to be able to chat in English. Know I can do it, but feels challenging to think how.

- Ermelinda getting the all clear on a biopsy, so we had to dash into town for a coffee to celebrate
- Dan and Mireille for lunch, and a potentially difficult conversation navigated, re the Ciganos
- Netty and family coming soon!

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