
Poor Lincoln was awake through the night for around a hour and half . I'm glad I chose to sleep on his floor. I gave him meds and got him comfy as could be. 

I ended up back at the hospital with him this morning.  His fingers got all tingly . His hand is very swollen. He has to try a different position when resting.  

He was happy when he got to see his teacher after school.  We picked the 2 big wildlings up. 

Everyone is ' fractured ' in this house. All the wildlings have been crying at some point today. Xander has only just stopped crying since coming out of school. It's a big change in the house with Lincs accident and I think they're just starting to process it all. 

These are the Xrays. I got to take photos when we were at the hospital earlier.  Look how bad the break was. 

Thanks again for all your love for Lincoln,  and we'll wishes and for understanding my lack of blip time. 

Take care . X 

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