Cake Stop

I had a get together with members of the club I’m in at the Mustard Seed at 12. Before that I hung out loads of towels I washed as there was a ‘good drying wind’, as my Mum would say. (And it was).

I got a call from the assistant to the consultant asking if I would come in on Thursday at 12 instead of Friday so of course I am.

There were four tables of ladies at the GFYC with 8 new members. Had a good variety of chat and a nice bowl of parsnip and carrot soup.

Walked down to boots afterwards to get some co-codomol dissolving tablets for Thursday and the. In to Rabbit Hole Cakes to get these two concoctions. It’s a shop that opened during lockdown and they are so inventive with the stuff they make. They have become very successful in such a short time and well deserved.

Dropped into Bernardo’s to see if they had any good jigsaws but no. On the way out I met a girl I knew who works there as a volunteer. She is a funny one, she calls S and I ‘the beautiful couple’ (!!!) but not sure it’s me that comes under that heading as when I was leaving the shop she said ‘getting back to your husband, he is very handsome you are so lucky’. I am lucky???? He is lucky lol!! Jeepers the things that folks come out with is funny.

Walk home , washing in to air and tea. I just had some smoked salmon broccoli and rice as was on own till 9.

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