Three & three quarters

I’m definitely not 100% but doing much better than yesterday.

I had a one hour Zoom call at 10 am that was a research call about intramuscular injections. So they were asking me various questions about my journey using different MS disease modifying drugs, including one I used for over seven years, that was intramuscular injection

Once I had that call behind me, I set myself up to binge watch on Netflix and do bead weaving. I’ve now done three & three-quarter bracelets.

I’ve had to stop because I’ve run out of seed beads. Ugh! I couldn’t believe I miss calculated but then I went back to the pattern and looked at the “supply” list and the seed beads needed were off by almost 200 a bracelet! No wonder I ran out!! Now I have to wait for more to come in from Virginia. So frustrating.

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