Back to work day

I didn't get to see much activity at the feeders today. The squirrel was around early this morning, not sure what happened to the pine warblers, they have been showing up at sunrise. It was almost 5 pm by the time I got home, 2 of the morning doves were still sitting on the railing. I put a new bird pie out this morning and put the remaining pieces from the old one in the feeder, plus there were some pieces I had to cut off the new one to make it fit into the suet holder, they were gone off the railing too, so I know that birds and squirrels were around.

Work went well today, we finished at 4 pm. Because of the storm on the weekend, the store that had been booked for Sunday was postponed till Feb 19. It's a holiday Monday, so I could work, if I wanted to. I only have 2 other days booked for that week. Last year we planned to do the same reline in that store on the holiday Monday, only when we got there we found out that the store had already done the reline themselves. Since people were there, some were going to stay to help with the hair color reline, but the printer was broken, so we couldn't do it.

There was 5 of us working today. We had 11 - 4 foot sections to get done, so that meant we each had 2 sections to do, and one person would do 3. I ended up doing 3 sections in the same length of time that the others did 2 sections. I have done hair care and hair color relines so many times now that I do them in my sleep.

I miss my main helper this year, her and I were so in sync when working sections side by side. But she is working enough hours at her other jobs now, so doesn't have time to help with relines this year. I stopped for a few groceries on the way home tonight and as I was coming out of the store, J was going in, so we stopped for a chat. It was good to see her.

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