In ‘Tin Pan Alley’ - Denmark Street

A busy day out in London…first we went on a walk around the St Giles area and then to Covent Garden.I was given a book of London Walks for Christmas and as the book is very small it was easy to carry plus has good maps. Denmark Street was called “Tin Pan Alley” from 1911-1992 as it was the home of many British songwriters and publishers. Many musician made their first records in studios there…The Rolling Stones made some over this shop. There were also several clubs there. Several of the shops sell guitars of all types including lots of secondhand ‘Fender’ guitars from the 60’s onwards some were £7000!

We had lunch at a “Real Greek’ restaurant…the set menu is such good value but like Cote you have to ask for it, they just have the full price a la carte menu on the tables! 

Then we went to see the musical ‘Operation Mincemeat’. It is in the Fortune Theatre, a very small theatre opposite the huge refurbished Drury Lane Theatre. A brilliant production with only 5 cast who were so energetic and verstile, great singing, dancing and generally a quite whacky take on the original story. Very enjoyable. 

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