Happy little pug?

You have to want it!!
But maybe a pug in my
broken boiler parts??!

Funny day and not much time to tell about it. Early start with dropping Mr KCNQ2Haiku at the station. Then Ben was in school to meet carers from the new respite place. They let him down again and I’ve been dealing with their management and school to set expectations going forward. It’s meant Ben had a very difficult day, behaviour wise and hurt some staff at school, broken his glasses etc After school, we had a social worker visit where Ben was mostly happy and he’s bounced on the trampoline quite a bit, so that’s helped him regulate but he’s also cross that the Xbox isn’t working today, just one of those days!
But the boiler is mended! Nice man came and took out these old broken bearing plates(??) and replaced them. Boiler no longer sounds like it’s about to take off, so that’s a win!

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