Starring the Undecided Deer in: Double Trouble

There is a small herd of around seven white-tailed deer who routinely pass through the game trail behind our house. They typically cross the road on the corner from the property above ours. But today, they lined up and acted like they were going. Then they heard a noise. So they all turned around and went back! That'll be a great big NOPE! This photo was taken a few seconds before that final Nope was issued by the lead deer.

I was snapping away on the camera, of course, running from room to room, window to window. I got a photo of these two standing so close together, it almost looked like a double deer. My best guess is that they are siblings, standing in tandem. No antlers in sight. So most likely does, maybe even sisters. Hey there, sweetie-pie down front; step aside a bit so I can get a better look at your sister!

This gives me fair license for this gorgeous track, which features some of the most smokin' blues guitar I've seen and heard in a long time: Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jeff Healey, Look at Little Sister. Please please please, WATCH these two absolute legends. And remember that Jeff is doing all of that while blind. . . .

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