Play on words.

Get it?

A bit of a broken night with O . He felt very hot before he went to bed and I gave him some calpol.  He woke up ok but hasn’t been quite himself all day so don’t know if it’s just tiredness or he’s becoming poorly.

We went to Wisley to meet G, my old head who left last summer.  She told me she’s writing a book. Originally a fiction but decided to write more of her life story.  She is keen to be G and not ‘ Ms wife, G, or the triplets sister,  G, or my friend G ~ the Head’ etc. I wish her all the best in that adventure. Anyway, we had a good catch up and walk. 

I took O home and hope he is back to himself soon.

Would you believe I took no photos whilst out…. Not even of O. So a quick snap and a play on words to enter the mono Monday challenge.

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