
By Wildwood

South Lauder Road

Getting a picture today was more or less impossible. I'm breaking all the rules and posting a picture of the house we lived in in Edinburgh in the 70's. I'm shown standing at the entry gate with my niece Annie and her daughter Emma. This picture was taken on a visit to Edinburgh in 2011. I think it was probably taken by Lady Findhorn., one of the main reasons for her visit. The upstairs shown in the picture was where we lived. The downstairs was reportedly occupied by an older single lady. We never saw her. Her entrance was around the corner on Lauder Road.

Below is my entry for today, written earlier in Notes on my phone and transferred here. There's probably a better way to do it, but I'm taking the easiest way out....we are warming up.

The wind has stopped blowing altogether after yesterday’s 65-80 mph wind gusts. We had one heavy rainstorm this morning and the sun comes out intermittently, but apparently enough to recharge our solar battery

The power is still out as I write. With it went internet, WiFi, the heat and most of the lights. Shades of fires and evacuations with the sound of generators all around the neighborhood. The one next door is outside our bedroom. 

Our backup power went out for awhile this morning but has been back most of the day, so we have a working gas fire in the fireplace, a gas stovetop that can be lit with a match, lights and water. We don’t really know why the backup went out, but assumed that it was because there’s been precious little sun around to recharge the battery. That doesn’t really explain why I started up again after about an hour

It’s curious…we’re both at the mercy of technology we don’t fully understand and totally dependent on it. 

Dana and Jim’s power hasn’t gone out. I might add that their power lines are underground. Jim, bless him, invited us to dinner. He has access to the PG&E website and is keeping us informed. So far all he has learned is that our power is still out.

I will publish this when we get there and try to read as many comments as I can, but may not be able to respond to them. 

I’m grateful that the backup system that we labored over for so long has worked as it should.   And it is blessedly quiet. It could be so much worse. 

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