Smiling through the clouds

A rough nights sleep for me meant I dint want to get out of bed when the alarm went off but I did drag myself out of bed. 
When It was time to leave for work I was greeted by this lovely moon and pink sky and some interesting clouds floating across the moon. So I managed to grab a couple of shots before heading off to work..
Fun and games at work with a few problems to sort out and also printers not working and then also a power cut that hit the city and  knocked every thing out including mobile phones . Thankfully the power was back on after about 5 minutes and then we had to wait for internet and phones to kick back in..
After work this evening a change of venue for the weekly shop and a trip to Sainsburys as I had been sent a money off voucher to use as I have a nectar card , so we decided to check it out as we have not been there for quite a while. Some very good choices and most things been a  fairly good price.
A relaxed evening watching some  football the 2nd half of Brentford v Man city and then some general TV  viewing 

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