A Productive, Paced Monday

Still in higher levels of fibromyalgia pain, have had a very busy day which has left me feeling further exhausted. 

Getting out of bed, as with every morning, was a challenge, I was screaming with pain and had to use my electric heat pad once seated to get more mobile. I did some of my gentler physiotherapy exercises too.

The morning stiffness of fibromyalgia is the worst feeling ever. Heat pads are an absolute godsend for warming up aching muscles.

A telephone doctor’s appointment early afternoon which I requested at 8am, feel incredibly blessed and grateful to have the GP I have, she is incredibly understanding and empathetic. I have a review appointment booked in for a couple of weeks.

I managed to get a good bit of life admin done too whilst I awaited the doctor’s appointment and it felt very satisfying and a good use of my time.

Rebooked my bloods as I was in a lot of pain and needed to speak with her so those will get done later in the week. 

Given the higher fibro pain levels I have had, I asked my GP last week if she thought some bloods might be a good idea and she agreed.

Late afternoon, I went into town to pick up my prescription and go to the chemist, bought some food and household items I needed in Poundland, Iceland and a few ready meal deals and organic milk from M&S to restock the fridge which was almost empty.

I feel very fortunate to have had a disabled bus pass which helps me remain independent. 

The rheumatologist who diagnosed my fibromyalgia and joint hypermobility syndrome supported me to apply when I was finally diagnosed in 2014.

Caught up with messages from friends this evening and chilled with some music and snacks. I need to do my Duolingo music and Ukrainian lessons for the day before bed as don’t want to break my streak.

Today’s Blip photo is of the Midsteeple in Dumfries Town Centre.

Hope everyone has a great week ahead :)

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