
By AndyG1982

Kill Bill Duck

The above is a toy duck I received as a Christmas gift many years ago. It is not one of Felicity's bath toys. Much like Bat Duck

Where Bat Duck has also been named Daddy Duck (By Flicky, not me) the Kill Bill Duck is called Mummy Duck. There is also Cam Duck (Named after her cousin Cam) and Flicky Duck. I'm not sure who that one is Named after.
She named all these ducks herself. There's also a series of baby ducks who are smaller and each have their own jobs. You lucky person reading this will get to see them all eventually when I run out of interesting things to Blip about. 
Or maybe you can read about them now? Maybe you are reading this in the far future and this is a post for the past! 
Hmmm, maybe I should invest in a time travelling duck? 

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