
By cowgirl

It's SO cooooold!!

Friends of mine from Israel have been in London over the weekend to attend a wedding. I went over to meet them today and we had a good long wander about town. I think we all enjoyed the parks the most. Here we are at the Serpentine, wondering who to ask to take a shot of the 3 of us ... We picked another tourist passing by as none of us had the courage to accost the nuns!

Mostly the boys were taken with how bloomin' cold it is. I told them they should have come over last year when it was raining all the time too. They're struggling to understand how I could have abandoned them for this - I see their point!!

Thank you for all your lovely Bday wishes. I'll do my best to stave off the Barbara Cartland-esqueness that seemed to be creeping over me yesterday!

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