Sunday: Watch Your Step

We went out early for a walk around Guanacaste Park.  It’s a good thing to do early as the heat of the day can get up very quickly.  By early afternoon the car temperature gauge was showing 38 degrees.  We saw an agouti which was pretty neat.

Early afternoon we met up with G&S for coffee.  Other than than, it’s been a nice chilled weekend.

I have a bit of a medical horror story to tell you, which pretty much sums up the healthcare system here.  

Rhonda, the junior housekeeper, is currently in Belize City looking after her mum who stepped on a rusty nail some weeks back.  She’s diabetic and the wound got infected.  She went to a private hospital who said they would need to amputate the foot but would do so at the ankle.  For cost reasons, she couldn’t go private so went to the public hospital.  When she woke up, the amputation was above the knee.  And, unbelievably, she was discharged the next day.  It’s absolutely unfathomable!

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