It All Comes Down To A Choice......

We came together under beautiful blue skies and picturesque clouds on this windy Sunday to worship and praise our sovereign God and fellowship with one another.  We began our service with a congregational hymn, followed by the welcome from Pastor Wes.  The choir, orchestra and all our dedicated accompanists then presented the uplifting anthem "Hymn Of Heaven, after which the congregation once again joined hearts and voices in worshipful praise.  Pastor Wes began his sermon by reminding us of some verses from last weeks sermon about the destiny of all who reject Christ, beginning with Satan and his followers.  They already know that they have lost the battle, but still seek to wreak as much havoc as they can until they suffer their final judgement for eternity.  Pastor Wes made it clear everyone has to make the choice between standing before Him clothed in the perfect righteousness of Christ or standing before Him clothed in our own flawed righteousness which even at its best is like filthy rags.  Jesus wants everyone to make the right choice, but not everyone will and He won't force them to, but they will have to suffer the consequences.  Pastor Wes had much more to say about making this simple, but important choice which you can see on the Live-stream......

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