Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Altogether now.....

When it's Spring la la la la la la la la la.....
Those where the days when flowers came from relatively nearby. Who knows where these started out. They came to us via Aldi and very pretty they are too. (gosh it was difficult to type all those las, they kept jumping into capital letters and moving to the end of lines!)
We both had a long lie this morning recovering from the last few days. We had a lazy brunch of a roll and sausage, which is not, as all scots know, the same as a sausage roll, lol.
After that we went through a pile of photographs that Colin had brought down from his mums. He would have made a bonny girl looking at some of the shots!
Kathryn arrived later on in the afternoon and gave my banana bread the thumbs up. She and Colin spent a long time reminiscing about her Nana. As she said there can't be that many women in their 40s who have a grandmother still alive. We were none of us early starters when it came to having children. Mum had Colin when she was 31, I had Kathryn when I was 28 and she was 31 when she had Eilidh!
The other high point in my day was popping down to Waitrose and finding all their fresh bakery goods were drastically reduced so I bought some 15p croissants and put them in the freezer.
We finally got to the end of all the back log of University Challenge episodes tonight so will only be one day behind when we have our Monday night quizzes on Tuesday - Monday being bridge night.

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