hard pleasures

By aonon56

24 Juin 1999, Bobigny, F.Paysage urbain, F. Horvat

I have been thinking more and more recently about purpose of ( my) blips ( btw I find this word extremely annoying and cultish and I have managed so far to avoid it but I have finally surrendered). Probably this is normal because after initial excitement I am asking my self what to photograph. Should be this my diary where photographs are just illustration of daily events or should it be primarily photographic exercise which differentiates itself from sites like flickr etc by one photo a day rule. Problem with the former is that I feel uncomfortable sharing photos ( and comments ) of family and friends over Internet ( privacy button that have been promised has yet to arrive ), and problem with latter is that if it is pure photographic exercise without any personal link, why to have them in diaristic format. Other issue is that blip ( here we go again) takes my photography time. I have stopped printing ( I had religious rule - one print a day ) and slowed some of he projects I was trying to accomplish. However there are good things , I will much earlier reach 10,000 hours ( Malcolm Gladwell rule) required to be modestly good photographer, I will be 90 instead of 105 with this tempo.
So why did I join blip ? I was in Calumet store and saw blip in a book format which have reminded me of Frank Horvat's : 1999 Daily Journal. I have soft spot for Horvat. He is like me from Croatia ( he was born in Opatija in 1928 same year like my mother), although he has never declared himself as a Croat. The other thing is that first photograph that I bought was Givenchy Hat, B So when I saw his Journal some time in 2000 I immediately snapped it and thought: this is something I should do. Horvat was not first one doing it Stephen Shore was photographing every meal he has taken in early '70 etc, but Horvat was less conceptual and less artistic it was just a diary. At that time digital imaging at least for amateurs was still in its infancy so making a book was for me impossible task. I have picked Horvat's Journal again the other day and here is what he writes about his aim of taking photo every day:
....my objective has been to take....at least one significant photo each day ( though not necessarily an excellent one ) . .....
The most difficult thing , wrote Goethe ; is what is thought to be the simplest : to really see things which are before your eyes;

As homage to Frank Horvat I have decide to take photo of his photo dated 24 June 1999. Without his book I wouldn't be doing this, and I think I have found my answer :
to see things which are before my eyes

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