Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

South San Francisco, The Industrial City

You can just glimpse the sign on the side of San Bruno Mountain, it's a local landmark and one you see driving north en route to SF.  

After a morning waiting for and then dealing with the roofer, we were in SSF on a mission.  Our mission was accomplished and then I spied a stereo shop...  this is the realm of T.  Future Sound has their shop, which they are in the process of setting up, in the foyer of an old theater.  We peeked through the door, it didn't seem like we could get in so started to walk away, then we heard a voice calling out: Did you want to come in?  Yes!  We turned around and were given the grand tour and some audio demos by a nice English bloke call Ramel.  I was intrigued by the whole incorporation of the shop into the listed interior of the theater foyer, the gilt spiral staircases, ornate balconies, doorways and backlit windows.  It was fab.  T made a good contact with the guy and I got to enjoy just being there.

Definitely need to go back to SSF,  not a city I know well at all, there are a lot of restaurants (and other things) that I need to check out. 


We have preparation alerts and warnings for the next storm due to hit tonight.  We did a grocery shop on the way home - this may be a bit useless if we lose power, but what can one do?  All our back up batteries and lights are charged.  Just have to hope the trees stayed rooted and roof stays on.

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