alerta alerta antifascista
Trip into town to join the demonstration against the fascists. The police reckon there were 150000 people. The square in front of the Reichstag was packed in spite of the drizzle. There were many good speeches and many made for uncomfortable listening. People speaking of the fear of being attacked because the way they look, because of their origin and the anger of being ignored for years. Frau Malonda's song about Hedy Lamarr was particularly powerful. As was Newroz Duman reading the names of the people murdered during a racial attack in Hanau a few years ago. We, the privileged, have to carefully listen as these are the voices of the canaries. Luisa Neubauer from the German Fridays for Future pointed out that everything is connected. I agree, colonialism and exploitation is still an issue. The social issues, exploited by the fascists with their simple suggestions, arise from the rentier capitalists. We might well have benefited from the system of exploitation however it does not help us when our world is burning down with various crises. For the protection of our environment and social justice and against the fascists.
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