Honda 250N SuperDream

I thought I'd posted a very grainy photograph of this bike recently when I found it on my laptop but I can't find any Blip of it. But only a few days ago I found the original photograph, which I have been hunting for for years. Just came upon it by chance when looking for something else.
I was driving a Honda accord, automatic, in the early 1990's, we'd had it for a few years but we'd been living in Saudi and used it when we came home on vacations. It was the old double headlight version. we returned to the UK in November 1989 and I quickly secured a position with Nortel Networks.
I lodged in Maidenhead during the week, and commuted to Gloucester and back at the weekends. I came out one Friday morning, in 1991, and found my car was missing. I parked on a hardstanding only feet from the River Thames on Ray Mead Road. I was a bit bemused of course until I saw the broken window glass on the ground, my car had been stolen, or so I thought.
Police station was on the way to work so I reported it stolen and got the train home that weekend. I decided to get back on a bike and do the commute on two wheels instead. 
This was the bike that took me on that weekend commute for about 3 years or more, before I was awarded a company car benefit.
Two years later I was teaching a group of telecom engineers in Cairo when I received a phone call. It was from the lady that did the technical training department administration. I'd received a letter which appeared to be urgent so she'd opened it in case I needed to know as I still had a couple of weeks before returning to the UK.
My car had been found, just a few yards from where I had left it, and found the glass. 'They' or 'It' hadn't stolen it as such, but pushed it into the Thames after ransacking it for my Genesis and YES tapes!
There was a small article in the 'Maidenhead Advertiser'. A bit weird that the PC Bob Walker says "it's impossible to tell how long it's been there" when it was reported missing in June 1991 and it was found 2 years later. I'd take a rough guess that it's been there for 2 years Bob! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA See Extra which I've kept all these years.

Edit Note - Yes, I did post that grainy photo! It was with the one of Buddy when he cut out eyeholes and a mouth in a tortilla wrap! Sorry for repeating myself, but I've left it as I hadn't included the newspaper cutting!

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