
Parkrun did start my Saturday, and I enjoyed it (mostly). It was a stark contrast to my experience last week. 

The "mostly" refers to the cold (it is still winter) gale howling across the loch from the west. A lot of the course is sheltered (one reason I chose it) but the exposed parts were brutal. 

In the afternoon I managed to get out into the garden for a while to start cleaning up the debris dumped by the recent storms. As well as performing a necessary task, it kept me away from the football and rugby scores while the afternoon rolled by. 

At full time I was able to bask in Queen's Park's glory after a 1-0 win at Inverness. I had thought of going, but 5-6 hours of travel put me off. 

My Blip is the first timers' briefing at Parkrun, when those who have not been on the course before are warned about the hazards. I took it from inside the visitor centre - out of the wind and in the warmth. 

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