A bit of a fail

Pointless prep and stress.
Agitation and worry.
Parenting failure.

I've spent all week preparing for Ben's first 6 hour session with his new carers.  I've planned and booked activities, worked out journey times, planned and timed snacks, packed them in labelled Tupperware, written up carb counts for everything, flagged possible triggers and how to avoid them, organised medication and even laminated the instruction sheet to hand over!  What could possibly go wrong??  Me.  That's about it.  When they were already 20 minutes late and Ben was mid violent meltdown, I finally worked out from my emails that I had got the date wrong.  I was so upset.  So cross with myself and sorry that I'd caused Ben the pointless distress and that I'd done so much work for nothing. Plus we were supposed to take older teen for lunch when Ben was out so I felt I'd let him down too :-(
Bleugh.  Grotty day.  Mr KCNQ2Haiku talked me round, bless him and he took older teen out and I took Ben to the planned trampoline activity, you can see him here on the go carts.  Everyone seemed happy in the end.. and we'll do it all again on the correct date, so the prep isn't really wasted.  I've definitely learned to double, triple (quadruple) check I've read Ben's rotas properly :-/
Leo is still on 4 little meals a day rather than 2 bigger ones, he's OK I think, little bit sick this morning but before he'd eaten anything, he's been fine with his meals and enjoyed quite a long walk in the woods this afternoon, all on lead to stop him foraging :-/
Time for a glass of wine I think!

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