Colour for

  a grey day!
A "usual" start to my Saturday - coffee in town with 'old' friends followed by a short stroll along the riverbank - until I saw the "Meter Man" coming and knew I'd had my hour, so had to hot foot it back!  
WhatsApp with big sis in South Africa, in Hospital again - so good to 'see' her and chat. Looking much better than she did two days ago.
This afternoon has been quite lazy as I've watched the England vs Italy Rugby - heart in mouth as Italy gave the English a run for their money!  Too close for comfort.
Now after a cuppa I'm watching Scotland and Wales..... 
The poinsettia isn't looking too healthy though there are some new petals coming. Many of the bigger leaves seem to be falling off.....Too wet? Too cold? Who knows......  
Tomorrow is an early start to go to Exeter for a full day Digital Image competition between Camera Clubs in the Western Counties of the UK.  Usually a great day out and we do have some great pictures in the mix, so hoping we coming in the top ten or so. We can never get in the top five as we compete with Bristol, Exeter, Dorchester and other big clubs with some outstanding members.  But it is fun!
Have a good rest-of-the-weekend.

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