Cake by Post!

My sister and hubby sent us this box of tray bakes (at least that’s what I will name them) in the post,
They actually dropped through the letterbox!
I couldn’t quite believe it!
We have, of course, each had one since I took the photo.
They are a gift for both our birthdays which are imminent!
A friend of mine popped in this morning and stayed for a cuppa and chat,
She just lives up the road. I showed her the new walk-in shower and she was thinking of having one herself, She lives on her own. We both agreed it was a feature of getting older!
I christened it this morning!
Since then I’ve been making a chocolate cake ready for tomorrow afternoon. The family are coming round as it will be my birthday,
I’m going to do the chocolate icing shortly.
I was just having a bit of a break and a mug of tea,
Hope your weekends are going ok.
It turned gloomy here this afternoon.

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