Hello Lovely Blippers,

We would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to GallopingGran, a special Blip friend of Mr. & Mrs. HCB.  She has been "under the weather" and not feeling “Full of Beans” so we wanted to wish her a very happy day and hope she enjoys whatever she does today. 

Sadly, we can’t go to visit her, but we know she is very much loved and although she has felt unwell for sometime, she still carries on blipping - what dedication!  We also send best wishes to her friend, A, who is very kind to her, as well as all her family.  

We were going to get a cake, but Mrs. HCB is trying to lose weight, so we thought we would just all get into the bag and tell GG that we wish her well - we did sing Happy Birthday, but not sure she will have heard us as she loves some way away.

It’s a cold and windy day today, but Mr. HCB has gone out to do some work in the greenhouse - he thought it would be too cold to be in the garden - and Mrs. HCB is snuggled up underneath her electric throw.  She says she doesn’t feel “Full of Beans” either, but we hope that after a lazy day today, following a busy week, she will be OK - she is still wearing her pink robe after having a shower, and it’s well gone 11 o’clock so no doubt she will stay in that all day - ah well, some days are like that!

We have heard from Kevin the Koala and he and his friends and rellies are having a good time in Australia - in fact, he was in trouble because he managed to get over to an island somehow and then got stuck and had to be rescued.  You can see what he got up to in the extra collage, they aren't brilliant photographs, but they have come all the way from Australia!  I'm sure that seeing Kevin and his antics would have made Admirer laugh.   Do take care, Kevin!

We hope you all have a good week and remember what we say, BE KIND because you never know what someone is going through!

Love to you all and to GallopingGran from the Silly Saturday Gang xxx

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