Flower Friday. : : Hellebore.

Today has been one of those days when I felt like was spinning my wheels. I didn't sleep very well last night and was feeling really grumpy! The weather improved somewhat but that is likely to be short lived. Another storm is predicted for Sunday and Monday, only heavier. Somewhat ironically Monday would be the day we would normally be going to see Kathy. It's just as well she is out of town since the roads will be closed....

We've had a lot of floods in low lying areas and there was an article in the paper this morning about roads the county is closing this weekend because they flood and people have to be rescued. These are roads we drive on every week to get to Kathy's and, although the county has just repaved/repaired miles of road surface in the area, they have done nothing about these low lying areas. It makes no sense....but not much about what this county does does make sense.

I spent the morning tracking down my same prescription, Making appointments for physical therapy, changing other appointments because they conflicted, and going down rabbit holes on Amazon trying to decide various things like ice machine vs. freezable gel packs. Some inspection company came to inspect the heat pump and duct installations, left some information and then said the county would still have to do its own  inspection. Ours not to reason why....

There aren't many things blooming right now. The narcissus by the driveway are almost horizontal after yesterday's rain. Our reluctant lemon tree has finally managed to ripen two lemons since it was moved, but it does have a lot of little green ones..  I settled for the hellebore after some interesting gymnastics to get a bit of the inside of the blossoms which are determined to look at the ground.

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